Elena Gálvez

Elena Gálvez is a historian, sociologist, ecologist and photographer. She is currently finishing her doctoral research at the Department of History and Anthropology of FLACSO-Ecuador and is part of the ECO project focused on the study of nature-culture relationships in the Amazon region. Her research on political ecology has focused on the criticism of extraction processes in the Ecuadorian Amazon and on the historical formation of identities and imaginaries in the Amazon in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. She has worked as a researcher in environmental organizations such as Acción Ecológica and the Institute for Environmental Studies of the Third World.
Patrícia Vieira

Patrícia Vieira is Senior Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES) of the University of Coimbra. Her most recent monograph is States of Grace: Utopia in Brazilian Culture (SUNY UP, 20018) and her most recent co-edited book is The Mind of Plants (Synergetic, 2021). She is currently Principal Investigator in the project ECO – Animals and Plants in Cultural Productions about the Amazon River Basin, financed by a European Research Council Consolidator grant. For more information visit:
María Eugenia Yllia

María Eugenia Yllia
is an art historian, curator and museologist. She is finishing her Ph.D. in Art History at UNMSM and she has an M.A. in Museology from Ricardo Palma University. She teaches in the M.A. in Art at UNMSM, in the M.A. in Art History and Curatorship at PUCP and in the M.A. in Museology and Cultural Management at URP. Her research reflects upon non-Western visualities, the construction of colonized alterities in Amazonian imaginaries and the tensions between art and anthropology. She has also focused on the study of plants, animals and other entities that are the basis of the Indigenous epistemologies expressed in the visual cultures of Amazonian communities and in contemporary art. She has co-edited the book Kené al Bicentenario. Reflexiones desde el arte. Biodiversidad Amazónica (Kené Instituto de Estudios Forestales y Ambientales, 2021) on this topic, and has published the article “La memoria de un fruto: La Fiesta del Pijuayo”, co-authored with Nancy Ochoa, in the journal Caravelle n° 110 Végétaux et animaux dans les arts visuels des mondes hispanoaméricains (2018).